FMINSI - A Fortran 77 subroutine for unconstrained minimization of a function of N variables written by Hugo Pfoertner, Oberhaching or use contact info on Date of release: June 4, 2001 The distribution consists of two ZIP-Archives: 1. contains the subroutines needed for minimization MD5: 53a5a13e19150df65329aaff1d7d1165 FMINSI.ZIP LGPL.TXT ... The text of the license under which the whole package is released (The Lesser GNU General Public License) FMINSI.FOR ... the minimization subroutine RANSTA.FOR ... random search for start points, used by FMINSI RANUWH.FOR ... a portable uniform random number generator used in RANSTA 2. contains a test program with data and results MD5: b2e042c303ea5c89054dd71b7eef3158 TESTFM.ZIP TESTFM.FOR ... The test main program SPHDIS.FOR ... Function to be minimized TESTFM.DAT ... Input file for TESTFM with some test cases TESTFM.OUT ... Output produced by running TESTFM.EXE with TESTFM.DAT To use the program you need a Fortran 77 compiler. It is written in portable F77. No extensions of the standard have been used. It has been tested with WATCOM FORTRAN 77/32 Compiler Version 10.5 under OS/2 and also with GNU g77.